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Transport Scenario for Cement sector

India, a rapidly growing economy, has a robust cement industry that is a significant contributor to national economic development. As the world’s second-largest cement producer, India has an installed cement capacity of ~670 million tons per annum (MTPA).

The logistics landscape within the Indian cement sector encompasses a variety of commodities:

  • Cement & Clinker: Cement about ~74-76% transported by road.
  • Clinker about ~15-20% transported by road.
  • Limestone: Transported from mines to the plant primarily by road, supplemented by other equipment like belt conveyors.
  • Slag: A significant portion is transported by both rail and road.
  • Fly Ash: Mainly transported by road.
  • Coal: Primarily transported by rail.
  • Other Additives: Transportation of additives such as clay, bauxite, iron ore, and red mud is predominantly by road.

Daily Truck Trips for an Integrated Cement Plant

Particulars Plant Capacity Commodity Production(TPD) Road Share Considered Vehicle Capacity(Tons)No of vehicle trips involved(Nos) Logistic type% Share
Clinker 6,000 TPD Limestone 9,000 100% 30 300 International movement 49%
Cement 10,000 TPD Cement 10,000 75% 30 250 Outbound 41%
Product Portfolio (OPC-20% PPC-50% PSC-15% CC-15%) Clinker factor:0.65 slag (@63% in PSC/30% in CC) 1,395 30% 30 14 Inbound 2%
Fly ash (@33% in PPC/25% in CC) 2,025 90% 40 46 Inbound 7%
Total trips 610 Nos
Total km @ avg 60km/trip 36,571 km
Diesel consumption @ 2.5 kmpl 14,628 Ltrs
Co2 emission / day 39,240 kg CO2

Considering India's total cement and clinker production, alongside a road transport scenario where 75% of transportation is using internal combustion engine (ICE) trucks, the estimated CO2 emissions are considerably significant, amounting to approximately 2.3 Million tons per annum (for cement and clinker transport only)

Emission scenario for ICE truck in cement sector transport:

Particulars Million Tons Particulars Unit
Cement Production 374.5 Mileage 2.5 kmpl
Cement transported through road (considering 75% road share) 281.2 Diesel/km 0.4 Ltr
Clinker production (@ 65% clinker factor) 243.8 Tailpipe emission 1.07 kg CO2
Clinker export / transport (considering 50% of total production) 121.8 One-way average distance 100 km
Clinker transported through road (considering 75% road share) 91.4 Total distance covered 200 km
Total material (cement + clinker) transported through road 372.7 Total CO2 214.4 kg
CO2 emission Pay load 35 MT
With 100% ICE vehicleWith 100% ICE vehicle 2.3 CO2 emission 6.1 kg/ton
Reduction With 5% E Truck 0.11
Reduction With 10% E Truck 0.23
Reduction With 20% E Truck 0.46
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