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The CII-Net Zero programme facilitates Indian industries in contributing to India's 2070 net-zero emissions goal and supports their alignment with global sustainability standards, amidst changing climate regulations.

Tap into the CII-Net Zero Programme for advanced tools and expert guidance to future-proof your business and contribute to India's green transition.
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Climate Regulatory Landscape: Impacts on Indian Corporates

Corporate climate action is becoming increasingly crucial, especially as industrial emissions account for approximately 45%(IEA) of India's total emissions in 2023. This places Indian companies at the heart of the nation's ambitious goal to reach net-zero emissions by 2070.

Amidst this backdrop, both in India and globally, a range of regulatory and compliance frameworks, including environmental disclosures like the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR) and trade regulations such as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), are expected to significantly impact the operations of Indian companies.

Corporate Climate Action in India

As governments in India and around the world introduce various compliance standards and regulations, Indian corporations are increasingly prioritizing climate action initiatives, including Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventorization and the adoption of emissions reduction strategies.

An analysis of the top 500 companies listed on the National Stock Exchange (Nifty 500) reveals the following trends:

In 2023, 83% of the Nifty 500 companies reported their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

Only 33% of Nifty 500 companies that reported Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions also accounted for their Scope 3 emissions.

Less than 25% of the Nifty 500 companies have established a Net-Zero goal.

To bolster India's net-zero journey and sustain the competitiveness of Indian companies in the dynamic climate regulatory landscape, the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) has launched the CII - Net Zero programme.

CII – Net Zero Programme

Join us in crafting a multi-faceted net zero strategy and implementation plan

Stream 1 – Mitigating Scope 1 and 2 emissions

Focuses on driving Indian companies toward Net-Zero emissions by targeting Scope 1 (direct emissions from owned or controlled sources) and Scope 2 (indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy) through a comprehensive approach.


Companies sign up for the net zero programme: Businesses take the initial step by enrolling in the programme dedicated to achieving net-zero emissions.


Awareness & capacity building sessions: These sessions are designed to enhance understanding and develop the skills necessary to implement net-zero initiatives.


Assessment of GHG inventorisation: Companies evaluate and quantify their greenhouse gas emissions to understand their environmental impact better.


Growth scenario development and identification of reduction levers: Firms formulate potential growth trajectories and identify strategies to reduce emissions.


Support in developing roadmaps & action plans: Organizations receive guidance to create detailed strategies and action plans for reaching net-zero goals.


Organizations commit to net zero: Companies establish a net-zero target with a clear strategy and roadmap, demonstrating their commitment to climate responsibility.

Stream 2 – Tackling Scope 3 emissions

Dedicated to enhancing sustainable supply chain practices, addressing Scope 3 emissions, which encompass all indirect emissions that occur within a company’s value chain.


Supply Chain Analysis: Assess and map the entire supply chain to pinpoint emission hotspots and opportunities for emissions mitigation.


Sensitization and Awareness: Educate stakeholders about the interconnected environmental impact of supply chains.


Capacity Building and Guidance: Offer training and support to cultivate the skills and knowledge required for effective Scope 3 GHG inventory management.


GHG Inventory Management: Methodically measure and document greenhouse gas emissions across the supply chain.


Enhanced Supplier Emission Disclosure and Reduction Strategies: Encourage suppliers to disclose their emissions and adopt tactics to diminish their carbon footprint.

Participating companies (as of May 2024)

Bajaj CUMI Galaxy Neuland
Nuvoco Rane Sagar Cements Suven Pharma
and many more to join...

Unlock Sustainable Business Development
Benefits of joining the programme:
  • Targeted strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Scope 1 and Scope 2 categories.
  • Efficient tracking and management of Scope 3 emissions inventory with comprehensive tools and resources.
  • Personalized guidance for each organization to support sustainability initiatives.
  • Demonstrate climate leadership through decisive, visible actions that emphasize corporate environmental responsibility.
  • Pursue an environmentally friendly, climate risk-resilient business model, ensuring long-term sustainability.
CII – Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre: Experience and Expertise

We possess extensive expertise in delivering effective sustainability services to various industries in India. Here are some of our notable achievements:

  • 6.3% of India’s annual emissions inventorized cumulatively (170 Million tonnes of CO2e)
  • GHG studies in 22 sectors
  • 200+ Corporate GHG studies & 1000+ employees trained
  • Decarbonization roadmaps for 5 carbon-intensive sectors
  • National level datasets specific to India for Cement, Concrete, Steel, Power Generation, Coal Mining, and Transportation


V Kannan | | 9177577122

Shashi Kala Agarwal | | 8004880268
